
3. Ansbacher Fightclub BJJ-Turnier
Ziel unseres Turniers ist auch unerfahrenen Wettkämpfern und Freizeitsportlern eine sichere Wettkampfumgebung zu bieten. Uns ist wichtig, dass den Teilnehmern die Gesundheit des Gegners mehr bedeutet als ein Sieg in einem kleinen, lokalen Turnier.
Welcome to the third Ansbach Fightclub BJJ Tournament!
The goal of our tournament is to provide a safe competition environment for inexperienced competitors and recreational athletes. It is important to us that the health of the opponent means more to the participants than a victory in a small, local tournament (we are not organizing a world championship here).
The participation fees go entirely to the club’s finances and ensure that – despite low membership fees – we can take good care of our members and coaches and continue to have the opportunity to organize such great competitions.
There are incredible emotions, new friendships and a medal to be won🙂
But beware: the number of participants is limited to 160!
At our last tournaments, the maximum number of participants was reached and no further registrations were possible. So please register in good time.
Please read the information carefully. Further important information about our tournament can be found at the top of the menu under “Divisions” and “Frequently asked questions”.
Our team
We would like to take this opportunity to thank our team. Our club members as well as friends, family and acquaintances help us to organize this tournament for you. Thanks to our Ju-Jutsu Association Bavaria. Our referees are all also active in the association and are very experienced referees and candidate referees.
A team from the Bavarian Red Cross will support us with medical care throughout the tournament.
Rules and regulations
We fight – like the DJJV and the JJVB, to which we belong – Gi & No-Gi according to the IBJJF rules. White belts start under the white belt rules – blue belts and higher fight according to the black belt rules. IBJJF rules, without guarantee of correctness:
All fights last 5 minutes. Deviating from the IBJJF rules, we fight without advantage points.
Tournament system
In the Gi- & No-Gi classes, the fights will take place according to the following format:
- Two athletes: Best of 3
- Three athletes: Revolution Round Robin – so everyone fights once against everyone and in case of a tie there are final fights (
- Four/five athletes: True Round Robin – i.e. everyone fights once against everyone else
- Six to eleven athletes: Random round robin followed by a final
- From 12 athletes: Random round robin with final & fight for 3rd place
In the Glima we fight Single Elimination – here every single fight is a Best of 3 with at least two, but at most three rounds.
Payment of the participation fee
The participation fee for early bookers is 29 euros. Normal registration costs 35 euros and late registration costs 45 euros. The participation fee includes all classes. So you can theoretically register for Gi, No-Gi & Glima and pay a total of only 29 euros.
Payment is only possible via PayPal. Your registration for the tournament will only be considered complete once you have paid Smoothcomp. If you do not register in time, you may not be able to participate on site. Deadlines for registration, deregistration and a refund of the participation fee can only be found at Smoothcomp.
We will not give any special treatment other than the deadlines set out here. Please refrain from contacting us in this regard.
Schedule and information
The tournament will probably take place in the gymnasium of the Carolinum Gymnasium, Reuterstraße 2, 91522 Ansbach. Please inquire about the parking situation beforehand. We recommend the parking garage Altstadt / Mühlbach (see
We plan to fight from 09:30 to about 18:00. This time is based on experience with our previous tournaments and is not binding.
From 9:00 a.m. we will be available with two scales for weighing in. You can weigh in directly before your fight, please note your fight times. If you are not ready at the start of the fight, we reserve the right to register a “walkover” defeat.
If you are unable to meet your registered weight, you are not entitled to participate or to a refund of the participation fee. We will try to accommodate you in other classes as long as no other participant is disadvantaged.
Showers are always available in the gym.
Special program Glima
We plan to offer a small Glima competition at the end of our BJJ tournament.
Glima is Nordic wrestling in the sporting form with the following approach:
The one who stands while the other is still on the ground is the winner. Even if both athletes go down, the focus is on getting up as quickly as possible (at least faster than the other 🙂).
Levers and chokes are prohibited – it’s all about getting up as quickly as possible. The focus is therefore on throwing without going down yourself. You must always attack and there is no time limit (but this is usually not a problem 😉 ).
You can find out more about Glima at