
RISING BJJ // Gießen
Rising BJJ // Gießen, May 17, 2025
Location: An der Hessenhalle 11, 35398 Gießen, Germany
Doors Open @ 8:00am | Event Starts @ 9am
Early Bird registration – 30.01.2025; 60€
Normal registration – 17.04.2025; 70€
Late Registration – 12.05.2025; 80€
Fight Time
Stay updated before and during the tournament on Smoothcomp, follow the live brackets on the screens or on your phone. It is your own responsibility to show up on time at the Fighting Area.
Competitors may check in and weigh in anytime up to at least 60 minutes before the scheduled division start time. Competitors must also be present at the venue at least 60 minutes prior to the division start time in case the division starts early.
There is a 1.0LB/0.45KG allowance for all adult divisions and a 2.0LB/0.91KG allowance for all under-18 divisions. Any increment over this amount will be considered a failure to make weight.
Competitors may check their weight throughout the day on the provided test scale, but excessive use of the scale will not be permitted.
Competitors who fail to make weight during the designated period will be disqualified and will not be moved up to another weight division. Disqualified competitors will not be eligible for a refund. It is the competitor’s responsibility to make the weight class they signed up for or to change to a higher weight class by the event’s change deadline.
All competitors competing in Gi divisions must weigh in WITHOUT their Gi.
A competitor who competes in both Gi and NoGi divisions only has to weigh in ONCE.
Absolute division competitors must still complete the weigh-in process to finalize their check-in.
Competitors may weigh in at any weight as long as it does not exceed their weight class limit. For example, a competitor in the -155LB division can weigh in at 147LBS because this is within the limit.
The time limit for every Adult fight in the tournament, including the round robin and the finals, will be 5 minutes.
The time limit for youth aged 15-17 years old in the tournament, including the round robin and the finals, will be 4 minutes.
The time limit for every other Kids fight (7-14 yeas) in the tournament, including the round robin and the finals, will be 3 minutes.
The referee is the highest authority in a match. The referee’s ruling on the result of each match cannot be contested with the referee. The referee oversees all match scoring and enforcement of rules.
Rising BJJ matches follow traditional BJJ point scoring: 4 for the mount, 4 for the back, 3 for a guard pass, 2 for a sweep, 2 for a takedown, 2 for knee on stomach, and 2 for a solid submission attempt that was stopped out of bounds.
Points will be awarded for the mount position when the competitor on top is sitting on the opponent’s torso (whether the opponent is belly up or belly down) with two knees or one foot and one knee on the ground, facing the opponent, and clear of any trap on the heel.
Points will be awarded for the back control position when the competitor, while behind the opponent, places their heels between the opponent’s thighs without crossing their feet and creates any form of lock on the upper body with their arms. Achieving the back body triangle position will not award back control points.
Points will be awarded for a guard pass when the competitor clears the opponent’s lower body and has pinned the opponent’s shoulders to the mat, or the opponent is laying on their side with no further attempt to improve position.
Points will be awarded for a sweep when a competitor initiates an attack from a bottom guard position that results in them assuming the top position. Points will also be awarded if the top competitor assumes the bottom position in pursuit of an attack. In both cases, the sweeping competitor must be clear of any submission to achieve points. For example, sweep points would be awarded if the competitor on top dropped back for a straight foot lock and the competitor on bottom assumed the top position and cleared the submission attack.
Points will be awarded for a takedown when a competitor causes the opponent to land in a bottom position on their back, side, or seated with an attack from the standing position. In the case of the opponent landing in a turtle position, points will only be awarded if the opponent is on all fours and the top competitor is behind them.
Two points will be awarded for a strong submission attempt that was stopped out of bounds, as long as the referee does not deem that the defending competitor was attempting to force the action off the mat as an escape.
Points will be awarded for the knee on belly position when a competitor, clear of any guard, places their knee or shin closest to the opponent on the opponent’s upper body with their opposite knee fully off the ground, while the opponent is on their back.
All positions must be held and controlled for 3 seconds in order for points to be awarded.
There is no “Advantage” scoring.
A competitor rendered unconscious in a match will be removed from their remaining matches at the event.
Referees will bestow penalty points as a consequence for fouls and lack of combativeness/stalling.
In the case of a minor foul, the first penalty will result in a warning, the second penalty will result in the opponent being given 2 points, and the third penalty will result in disqualification. Major fouls will result in immediate disqualification.
A match will be deemed over immediately if a competitor taps out, screams, loses consciousness, cries, loses control of bodily functions, vomits, or verbally gives up during the match.
The referee may end Kids division matches at their discretion due to the potential for risk of injury.
The referee may declare that a competitor is demonstrating a lack of combativeness/stalling after timing 20 seconds of inactivity or lack of intention to progress position.
Point scoring can only be achieved through positional progression. For example, a competitor cannot exit the mount back to side control by their own choice and then score mount points again.
Grounded action will not be stood up as a consequence of a penalty unless it is for lack of combativeness during a double guard exchange.
At the conclusion of the match’s allotted time period, the competitor with the most points will be awarded the victory. If there is a tie on points, the competitor with the least penalties will be declared the victor. If a tie still remains, the referee will decide the match result via Referee Decision.
Referee Decisions will be decided at the referee’s discretion based on the threat of submission and positional dominance. If neither of these criteria are met, the competitor who most aggressively pursued these criteria will win.
– Referee Decision Criteria
– Submission Threat
– Positional Dominance
– Aggression
Rising BJJ strives to offer fair competition. To ensure the integrity of our events, we strictly enforce the following Sandbagging Policy. This policy aims to discourage sandbagging practices and establish strict punishments.
Sandbagging refers to the deliberate act of competing at a lower skill level than one’s actual ability. Sandbagging can occur in the following practices:
– For all adult Gi competitors, competing at a lower belt level than you are ranked.
– For all adult NoGi competitors, competing at a lower skill level than you are categorized into, whether by rank or experience.
– For all kids competitors, competing at a belt/skill level lower than they are ranked unless competitors from a lower skill level are merged into their division.
– Competitors with significant wrestling experience (at least 2) competing in White Belt/Beginner divisions.
– Competitors with a black belt in Judo or a Luta Livre rank of blue and above competing in White Belt/Beginner divisions.
– Catch Wrestlers with significant competition experience competing at a level lower than they would in a Catch Wrestling tournament.
– Professional Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighters competing in Beginner/White Belt divisions.
Any adult competitor found to be sandbagging will face strict consequences, including disqualification from the current event and suspension from future Rising BJJ events. Upon identification of sandbagging, the competitor’s rank and skill level will be reassessed by the tournament organizers, and appropriate action will be taken to ensure fair competition. Repeated offenses of sandbagging by an adult competitor may result in an extended suspension or a complete ban from all Rising BJJ tournaments.
Sandbagging by kids competitors will also be addressed, but with a more educational approach. If a kids competitor is found to be sandbagging, the tournament organizers will work closely with the competitor, their coach, and parents/guardians to address the issue.
All Rising BJJ events are pre-registration only and will close 4 days prior to the event at 11:59 PM (Example: An event on a Saturday will close registration the Tuesday prior at 11:59 PM).
To register, you must fill out the registration form and complete the PayPal payment.
Completing the registration form will not register you for the event if you do not complete the payment with PayPal. No payments will be accepted after registration closes, except from spectators.
You must read the information section of our event pages to familiarize yourself with important dates and information specific to that tournament.
Competitors must pre-register and pay an additional fee for entry into absolute divisions.
Adult competitors are responsible for ensuring their registration does not violate the Sandbagging Policy. Parents/Guardians/Coaches are responsible for ensuring kids are registered in the correct division.
Competitors may register in a higher NoGi division skill level than they are ranked but may not register at a higher belt level in Gi divisions.
Competitors must sign up for age divisions based on their age on the day of the event. Masters competitors may compete at Adult if they choose. Senior competitors may compete at either Masters or Adult. Kids competitors over 15 years old may request to compete in adult divisions.
Kids and Teens competitors MUST be registered and signed for by their legal parent/guardian.
Gis and belts will not be checked or measured before the tournament, but Rising BJJ officials have the right to ask a competitor to change their Gi if they judge it to be inappropriate. This situation can occur if:
– The Gi or belt is obviously too short or too long.
– There are too many patches on the Gi, preventing the opponent from gripping it.
– The Gi shows visible tears, is wet or dirty, or emanates unpleasant odors.
Competitors may choose to wear a rash guard that clings to the body under their Gi.
Competitors may not wear a t-shirt or loose rash guard under their Gi.
Competitors may choose to wear Gi and NoGi uniforms of any color.
For NoGi divisions, competitors must wear board shorts without pockets or metal and plastic of any kind. They must reach at least halfway down the thigh and at most to the knee. Women may choose to wear lycra elastic pants. Spats can be worn under the shorts. Competitors must also wear a rash guard or a shirt of elastic fabric (clings to the body) of any color. Competitors cannot compete shirtless or wearing a loose shirt of any kind.
Competitors must wear undergarments underneath their uniform.
Competitors may choose to wear soft pads on their joints. Pads that contain plastic, velcro, or metal of any kind will not be permitted.
Competitors may choose to wear headgear only if it is for religious reasons.Competitors may not wear groin protectors, jewelry, hairpins, or compression socks of any kind.
Competitors may tape joints in a thin layer of sports tape. Referees reserve the right to ask a competitor to remove any tape if they deem it to provide an unfair advantage.
Competitors must have trimmed and short fingernails and toenails.
Long hair must be tied up.
Competitors will be disqualified if they are wearing hair dye or makeup that stains their opponent’s Gi or the mat surface during a match.
Competitors with skin lesions or any other skin condition will be directed to the tournament medical staff.
The medical staff has the final say on whether a competitor is allowed to compete.
Competitors from each division will be RANDOMLY matched with opponents within their own division for up to 4 matches.
In divisions with over 5 competitors, following the round robin format, the top performers from the pools will advance to a single-elimination Playoff format to determine a champion. Depending on the number of competitors and the results, quarterfinals, semifinals, or just finals may be held. If Playoffs are unnecessary, the top 3 competitors will be declared.
If a competitor forfeits matches due to injury, their opponent will be declared the winner via “Walkover”.
Due to the round robin format, teammates may face each other. A victory must be determined.
In case of tiebreakers, the following algorithm will be applied in order:
– Most Wins
– Most Submissions
– Head-to-Head Match
– Most Points Scored
– Least Points
– Scored Against
By attending a Rising BJJ event, you agree to adhere to the following code of conduct:
All competitors must wear footwear off the mat. Failure to comply may result in disqualification.
Any threats or acts of violence will lead to removal from the event and a potential ban from future Rising BJJ events.
Harassment of competitors, referees, and event staff will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the event.
Offensive language, including but not limited to racist and sexist remarks, may lead to removal from the event and a potential ban from future Rising BJJ events.
Harassment, intimidation, or stalking of any opponent by a competitor, whether digitally or physically, will result in removal from the event.
Unsportsmanlike conduct by a competitor may lead to disqualification from the event.
Unsportsmanlike conduct by a coach may result in the disqualification of the competitor they are coaching and the revocation of coaching privileges.
Rising BJJ strictly prohibits competitors from participating while under the influence of any illegal drugs or any other substances that may impair their judgment or physical abilities during the competition.
Attempting to force the opponent to attack with a technique not allowed at the division’s skill level as per the Allowable Techniques chart results in a disqualification.
A third penalty of any kind results in a disqualification.
Intentionally causing an opponent to land on their head or neck as a part of a takedown results in a disqualification.
*without advantages
1 coach per academy/gym. No one is allowed to coach at the mats, everyone has to stay behind the mats.
Visitors are welcome, 10 euro entrance fee.