
“Well, what can I say? It’s been 3 years since I went to camp and it’s like I never left! The friendships I’ve made here are one of a kind. Estonia camp itself was great and one of the most fun weeks I’ve had. The facilities are great, the organisation was perfect, the transport was easy too. Tallinn itself is a great, safe city with super friendly people and beautiful architecture. There’s lots of great culinary experiences to have too if you’re into that kind of thing, and of course, the training was top notch. So many people from all over the world in a great little town, what’s not to love. Until the next time!”
– Taherul, United Kingdom
The capital of and largest city in Estonia, Tallinn is a wonderfully vibrant mix of old and new. Its strategic coastal location helped to establish it as a trading hub for the medieval Hanseatic League, and ensured a regular flow of fresh cultural influences – Scandinavian, German, and Russian – that constantly mingled with and drew inspiration from both each other and Tallinn’s native Baltic heritage. Its legendary Old Town, a densely layered historic network of cobbled streets, majestic churches, and grandiose merchant houses dating from the 13th century, is one of the best preserved in Europe.
Wrapped around this ancient heart is a forward-looking, modern city that is very much on the cutting edge. A thriving centre of technological, cultural, and educational innovation, Tallinn is often referred to as the Silicon Valley of Europe. It officially has the highest number of startups per person on the continent, and has been the birthplace of many international tech companies such as Skype.
“A big thank you to the organisers, instructors, participants, and hosts at the Spring Camp in Tallinn. It was my first Globetrotters camp and first time in Estonia. 3D Treening was an amazing gym to hold the camp in, Tallinn was a wonderful city, and the instructors and participants really made it easy to join in. I learned so much. It was much harder physically than I had imagined, instead of 4-5 classes a day I basically made 2, with a bit of rolling afterwards. Since I got back I think I am about twice as good at jiu-jitsu as I was when I left (no exaggeration). So about 15 months’ worth of training in a week. Bargain! I really hope there will be more camps in Tallinn in the future, and to anyone considering attending a camp but not quite sure, I would completely recommend it. And this is from an old (41!), introverted, anti-social white belt!”
– Ben, Japan
Located just outside downtown Tallinn, Aitado Judo club features everything we need for a week of training – 450 m2 of grappling mats, weights, showers and a sauna. It’s easily accessible from the city centre (short taxi ride at around €5-10 with Bolt Taxi App).
The address of the camp is Aitado Judo, Sõjakooli 3, 11316 Tallinn, Estonia. (This is the new location that the former 3D Treening has moved to in 2021)
“I have had many great experiences in my lifetime, but attending the BJJ Globetrotters Camp was on the top of my list. I truly met some of the most sincere and wonderful people from all over the world. The training was outstanding and the instructors were top notch.”
– Russ, United Kingdom
All of our camps are renowned for their open and welcoming atmosphere. They’re full of enthusiastic, friendly people from all around the world, who enjoy training in a fun, relaxed, and open-minded environment. So regardless of whether you’re there with a group or travelling solo, you’ll always find someone to slap hands with 🙂
We’ll be running classes (both gi and no-gi) every day from morning to evening, all taught by a variety of highly experienced instructors who bring their own perspective on Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, sometimes incorporating concepts from other grappling arts such as wrestling, Judo, and Luta Livre. We’ll also schedule frequent open mat sessions at which you can roll, drill technique, or just chat with the instructors and pick their brains. There’ll be more training than you can possibly handle over the course of the week, so make sure to bring your notepad!
BJJ Globetrotters is built on a foundation of treating everyone equally, both on and off the mats. We understand that signing up for a week-long training camp as a beginner in the sport can be a very intimidating thought. People often ask us if they are even allowed to join as beginners or if they would somehow be a burden to the instructors or other participants. However, there is absolutely nothing to worry about. We are most happy to have beginners of all levels join us, both for the training and social aspects of the camps.
At many of the camps, we even host a “White Belt Appreciation Hour,” which is a closed event where white belts can have “alone time” with the black belt coaches and ask all the beginner questions they might have.
So, if you’re still inexperienced in BJJ and on the edge about coming, just do it! We’ve all started where you are now, and one day you’ll probably be able to beat us, so we better be nice to you now 😄.
Once again, we’re offering a free photo booth run by a professional portrait photographer during the camp. Grab your finest gi, favourite accessories, and nearest liftable friend, and get that Facebook profile picture you’ve always wanted!
“Globetrotters camps are this magical combination of professional Jiu Jitsu technique and conceptual drilling, a bunch of laughs and acting really goofy with same people, reuniting with friends from last camp as well as making new ones, and spending quality disconnected time with my husband. I have bags under my eyes from overtraining and undersleeping, and bruises everywhere – but they’ll fade, and my Jiu Jitsu game is stronger and I have all these new memories with awesome people.”
– Missy, United States
Regardless of the colour of the belt around your waist, six days of 8+ hours on the mats is tough on the body! And that’s not even counting the hours spent sampling Tallinn’s historic array of beers afterwards. In order to keep us as limbre and loose right until the end, we’re bringing back our instructor to run morning yoga sessions every day of the camp.
“I’ve been to a lot of these camps by now and the atmosphere, enthusiasm and general energy is second to none.”
– Oliver, United Kingdom
We’ll be professionally filming many of the classes and then hosting them online at our video library: BJJ Globetrotters in Action. They’ll be entirely free to access (as will the videos from all our other camps), so if you want to refresh your memory you can go back and check out the technique as many times as you want.
“I booked my first Globetrotters camp as a solo traveller. I knew I wouldn’t know anyone there, which was a bit daunting. But when I met everyone, no one felt like a stranger – it was like we were all old friends. I still listen to the music we rolled to, and have applied the moves to my game. I am still friends with the people I met, and those relationships somehow grow despite the geographical distance. I’ve become part of a network of awesome people, and booking that trip was one of the best decision I ever made.”
– Gemma, United Kingdom
Tallinn is a small city and thus easy to explore on foot. Wander through the cobbled streets of the remarkably well-preserved Old Town (on the UNESCO World Heritage list), head over to check out Viru Gate – once where the merchants and artisans of old Tallinn lived, now the trendiest shopping street in the city – and then up to Toompea Hill to see the site of the Danish Castle that founded Tallinn in 1219 AD. There are botanical gardens, museums on the Soviet occupation, and towering Russian Orthodox cathedrals, so no matter your interests you’ll find something to catch your eye. And if you have even more time on your hands, you can always hop on a ferry and take a day trip across the Gulf of Finland to nearby Helsinki; the ferry ride only takes two hours.
“One of the most important things about any camp is that you get to spend time with a truly broad spectrum of people from all walks of life, which can only enrich you as a person.”
– Giles, Scotland
Book your spot before February 1st and get a special Estonia Camp edition of either our light weight travel gi or pearl weave competition gi for just €120. You can pick any color of the gi (blue, white, black, brown, pink or gray) and it will have a special design just for this camp.
Pre-order with your camp registration and you can pick it up at the camp and pay in cash there. Binding, gentleman’s agreement 🙂
BJJ Globetrotters Travel gi v2
* Special Estonia Camp design *
* Available in blue, white, black, brown, pink and gray *
* Super light ripstop jacket and pants *
* From just 1.1 kg *
* Perfect to bring for traveling *
* Special camp pre-order price €120 *
BJJ Globetrotters Competition Gi v2
* Special Estonia Camp design *
* Available in blue, white, black and gray *
* High quality, 100% cotton 550GSM pearl weave jacket *
* 10 oz canvas pants *
* IBJJF competition legal *
* Special camp pre-order price €120 *

– From Tallinn, Estonia
– BJJ black belt
– Head coach Estum Jiu Jitsu, Estonia
– Creator of
– Once stopped drone strike w/ turtle defense

– From Maryland, United States
– BJJ black belt
– Pan American Champion brown
– Euros & Worlds medalist
– USA Camp pub crawl planner veteran

– From Ontario, Canada
– BJJ black belt
– Like to train in garages and basements
– USA Camp OG
– Also known as “Mr. Canada”

– From Pennsylvania, United States
– BJJ black belt
– Nogi World Champion purple
– MMA matchmaker and IRL matchmaker
– Claims her best moves come from cat videos

– From Saint Barthélemy, F.W.I.
– Author of The BJJ Globetrotter
– 2nd place IBJJF Europeans brown belt
– IBJJF London Open black belt champion
– Multiple x IBJJF default bronze medalist

– From Mikkeli, Finland
– BJJ black belt
– ADCC North European Champion 2023
– Trained BJJ since 2001
– Claims his spirit animal is a Brazilian tapir

- Respect and treat everyone at the camp equally, regardless of gender, sexuality, age, belt level, and skill; on and off the mats.
- Behave respectfully and with the integrity to be expected of an instructor, role model, and representative of BJJ Globetrotters; on and off the mats.
- Be a team player and support their fellow instructors.
- Treat neither rolling nor teaching as a competition.
* Saturday full day training *

Six days unlimited training camp
40+ gi and no-gi lessons
25+ hours of open mat
15+ black belt instructors
Camp party
Optional social events and evening dinners
Free camp t-shirt