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February 09, 2025

Subculture 5 – Grapple Royale

16 Man No Gi- Grapple Royale

16 Man Grappling Tournament

2x 8 man No Gi divisions Over/Under 80kg to find the Subculture Division Champions, each bracket is open to any belt level purple belt and above.

£500 Cash Prize per division.


No jumping closed guard, no slams, no scissor leg takedowns.

Clarifications: Heel Hooks, Z locks, straight ankle locks, kneebars, toe holds, reaps are legal, sitting to guard without contact is legal.  All Matches 6 minutes Duration

Winner decided by submission. In the event that no submission occurs it will go to EBI overtime rules.

EBI Overtime

If there is no submission after the regulation time limit, each competitor will have the chance to try to submit their opponent as fast as they can, while the other has a chance to escape. There will be a coin toss to determine which competitor will choose if they are starting on offense or defense.

If there is no submission after 3 rounds of EBI overtime then the quickest escape time will be declared the match winner.

Close outs

Competitors from the same team are welcome to enter the tournament, and as organizers, we will make every effort to avoid team members facing each other in early rounds where possible. However, please note that close-outs are strictly prohibited, as all matches including the final must be contested fully. This ensures fairness, upholds the integrity of the tournament, and provides a true reflection of skill and sportsmanship. With prize money on the line, we are committed to maintaining a competitive and transparent environment for all participants.

Weigh In’s

Weigh in Saturday via Video message, Start the video by validating the scales with a weight and quoting the password (Published on instagram stories Saturday 10am). Anyone failing to provide conclusion evidence of accurate weigh in will be required to weigh in Morning of the comp.

Singles matches available also, male & female, Gi & No GI, drop us an email to roll@subculturegrappling.co.uk or DM our instagram https://www.instagram.com/subculturegrappling

Please include your weight, Belt level, Gi Or No Gi Preference and club/ affiliation.

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Sunday, February 9
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Sub Culture HQ
Unit 5 Mckibben House, Eastbank Road
Carryduff, United Kingdom
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