
XII. GrappleXmas BJJ Cup
Short event introduction
No Gi & Gi Tournament in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic, 3 guaranteed matches / No Gi & Gi turnaj v Frenštátě Pod Radhoštěm, 3 garantované zápasy
The event will take place in Frenštát pod Radhoštěm, Czech Republic on December 21th 2024
Rules will be based on ADCC (for No Gi) – Juniors and Adults, and IBJJF (for Gi).
We will try to provide at least 3 matches for everybody! If there won’t be enough people in a particular division, we will provide solutions such as mixing categories or full money refunds for you satisfaction!)
Time schedule
The venue will be open at 7:00 AM
Registration and weigh in 7:15-8:45 AM (you can also register and make weight during the day, but no longer than one hour before estimated start of your division!)
First matches at 9:00 AM
Expected finish around 6:00 PM
Weight Classes (No Gi)
Men up to 65 kg; 70 kg; 76 kg; 83 kg; 91 kg; 100 kg; 100 kg +Women up to 60 kg; 65 kg; 70 kg; 70 kg +
You can make your weight without wearing the Gi!
There is only one opportunity to check the weight. If you don’t make your weight you WILL be immediately disqualified and NO refund or voucher will be given! The weight tolerance will be set at 0,5 kg.
Age categories
Men 15 + years of age (elite 18+)
Women 15 + years of age (elite 18+)
Men Masters 36 +
Women Masters 36 +
Years of age experience level (No Gi)
- Beginner (less than 2 years of experience in BJJ, Judo, Sambo, Wrestling, MMA)
- Intermediate (2-4 years of experience) or blue belt in BJJ
- Professional (5 + years of experience) or purple belt in BJJ
Experience level (Gi)
- White belts
- Blue belts
- Purple, Brown and Black belts together (brown/black belt rules)
- Kids – White + gray belts
- Yellow + orange + green belts
Weight Classes for Kids (No Gi & Gi together!)
U6 (2018,2019) -18kg, -20kg, -22kg, +22 kg
U09 (2015,2016,2017) -23kg, -26kg, -29kg, -32kg, -35kg, -38kg, -41kg,+41kg
U11 (2013,2014) -30kg,-33kg,-36kg,-39kg,-42kg,-45kg, -49kg, +49kg
U13 (2011,2012) -34kg,-38kg,-42kg,-46kg,-50kg,-54kg,+54kg
U15 (2009,2010) -41kg, -45kg, -49kg, -53kg, -57kg, -61kg, -65kg, +65kg
U18 (2008,2007,2006) –
Cancelation received till December 19th, 11:59 PM – 100% money back
Cancelation after December 19th, 11:59 PM – 100% COUPON refund in case of illness or injury. Medical report needed!
Cancelation after December 19th, 11:59 PM – 50%money back
All fighters on first places will get nice medals and product gifts.
Our sponsors are:
Rules according to the official IBJJF rules for athlete’s 5 to 1 years old.
You can find the complete IBJJF rules Here:
if a finishing technique is applied in such a way that the referee judges the continuation of the movement as risky, the match is stopped for safety reasons before the opponent’s submission.
Match Duration:
5-6 years: 2 min.
7-9 years: 3 min.
10-11 years: 4 min.
12-13 years: 4 min
14-15 years: 4 min.
16-18 years: 5-6 min ( white, blue + purple belt)
Payment is possible by bank transfer to
Account number: 1571074016/3030
IBAN: CZ6830300000001571074016
Reference number: date of birth in DDMMYYYY format,
The message for the recipient must contain your: Name, Surname, Weight, and Category, GI/NOGI
The decisive day for registration is the date and time of payment receipt into our account.
Admission for spectators is voluntary. On-site registration is not possible.
ENTRY FEE (per category) Payment received until October 30, 2024, 11:59 PM 500 CZK / 20 EUR / 90 PLNCANCELLATION AND REFUND OF ENTRY FEE Cancellation received by October 30, 2024, 11:59 PM 100% refund of entry fee…
• fighting will take place on 4 tatamis + a space (tatamis) will be provided for warm-up
• top 3 competitors in each category will receive medals and rewards from our sponsors
• the best team will receive a trophy (team competition points for competitors’ placements: 9 points for 1st place, 4 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place)
• top competitors will be announced during the tournament
• food and drinks stand, cotton candy stand, and clothing stand will be available on-site
tel.: +420 777 690 740